Halloween 2004

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Back to Holidays       School Party        Halloween 2003

The Pumpkin Farm

We're Ready

Let's go Mommy

Where should I start?

I'm heading over here.

Quick snapshot

Hey over here.

Quit goofing around.

I found something.

This is hard work.

I think this is the one for me.

What about mine now?

Maybe over here.

This is too small.

This one's mine.

OK Mommy, wer'e ready.

Daddy's turn to pull.

Into the corn maze.

Where is number 2 from here?

Number 5 is this way.

After only an hour and a half...

We've reached the end!!

Time to rest.

How are we doing?

Chelsea's cat.

David's clown.

Spiderman and Spiderella...

...with Mom and Dad

David's really into it this year.

The kids with Angie.

...with Builder Bob (aka Mr. Wilke)

Gouls down the street

Lets count it all.

Grandma had fun too.

I think we're all a bit tired.


Back to Holidays       School Party        Halloween 2003